How do you solve a problem like Manoling?

He met us at his office. As you enter it one seemed to be transported back into time were wood paneling was used extensively and several historical pieces and religious items adorned the wall. One thing that stood out was the huge vault behind a screen that barely concealed it – something more appropriate in bank than in an office but this was not your ordinary office. A man neatly dressed in slacks with short sleeved polo and tie came out to greet us.

“Call me Manoling”,He said softly.

Last Import-17

This was the first time we met Manuel Morato face to face in the coming weeks we would meet him again regarding his recent run-ins with the Phippine Charity Sweepstake Office under Chairman Margie Juico.

Morato or Manoling under the public was always controversial.

One of the things one remembers about Manuel Morato was a day during his term as the Chairman of the Movie Television Review and Classification Board or MTRCB when he stopped the film showing of Martin Scorsese’s Last Temptation of Christ at University of the Philippines Faculty Center. Well he was able to stop the showing and we were only able to see the movie through the Shop & Lift store at Greenhills. One might agree or disagree on his views and position but one thing constant about Manoling was and he is relentless.

Manoling Morato had become an icon of sorts in the present Philippine Society. He was portrayed as well as lampooned in Philippine film and television as being ultra conswervative. At different points in his public life he has figured in debates with other prominent figures in society from Joseph Estrada to Armida Siguion-Reyna. And now he is involved in a battle against the Chairman of the PCSO – a position he formerly held and was also part of recently as a director.

Manoling is in the news again.

The first impression of Manoling was rather surprising. It was not your stereotypical Manoling but somewhat soft spoken and reserved old gentleman. A good and caring host to his guests. And that is until he begins to talk about his latest battle and gets quite animated – it was as if he was set on fire and was intent dragging his enemies to hell and beyond.

And his voice did dominate the talk – as he began listing a list of crimes and wrongdoings done in his old agency the PCSO. His main contention were : The transfer of the PCSO office; the treatment of employees; and death of donors who failed to receive the promised financial assistance.

This has resulted in a war between the two camps the PCSO and Manoling. Both sides airing their allegations and counter allegations in television, radio, print and online. And in some cases allegations of favoritism has arisen.

Manoling a wealthy businessman and ex-public official is like a pitbull that keeps on attacking. From our talks with it seems clear that the things allegedly done after he left the PCSO he is taking things personally and for all his zealotry I do not know if you can blame him. He is the old captain watching the actions of the new captain at the PCSO.

So how do you solve a problem like Manoling?

Surely not by the Press Release war that is happening right now. In order to solve a problem like Manoling the (i) PCSO and any government agency for that matter has to come clean to the public with its finances and management. (ii) Also it has put it in Institutional safe guards that the agency does not become a cash cow politicians and interest groups.

It is depressingly amazing that the PCSO that handles a great deal of money is quiet slow in coming up with balance sheet. This should be done monthly at the least.

The PCSO has to be above suspicion – like the wife of Caesar.

This is the only way you can get rid of Manoling. It is to be clean as Caesar’s Wife.

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