baratillo @ cubao :

When is Martial Law welcome?

Posted in Politics and Culture by juned on the December 6th, 2009

Most of us were awaken saturday with the imposition of Martial Law in the province of Maguindanao - As of late a province that has been in the center of political and social storm, because of the mass murder of around fifty persons - women and members of the media included.

The alleged perpetrators were the allies of the administrations both past and present. And as one stood watching the Armed Forces of the Philippines took control of Maguindanao, one was mesmerized as news of what seemed to be the downfall of a powerful political clan.

Where was the opposition? Where was the vocal voice that would oppose the imposition of Martial Law. It would come but there was hesitation - an unease on how to react to this.

There were people who welcomed the development, there were those who were who did not know how to react, there were those who did not care and there were those who were against it.


The reason for it, behind all the reasons cited, was to bring down the political family that has been implicated and condemned for the most henious mass murder in Philippine history and this gave a number of people reason to give the action a tacit nod of approval. This was most likely brought about by the news of the masscre, the news reports coming in about Maguindanao, and commentary not only criticizing but demonizing the political clan. So the target of this action amd their plight did not amount to anything one can feel sorry for or emphatize with. To the chagrin of the most vocal critics of this Administration -many of whom have also joined in the condeming of the mass murder and villification of the alleged.

Opposition and criticism came slow and the fact that Martial Law was imposed on a weekend gave the Administration probably enough time to start and probably complete its operations without interruptions.

Criicisms and warnings of Martial Law that began to trickle in were nothing compared to the images and news of cache of arms and even the sight of the members of the political family being hauled off to be questioned. A different sight of them who were the politcal lords of their land.

Opposition to Martial Law declared under such circumstances is going to be an uphill battle because they would be weighed down because of the seemed association with and even championing of alleged the mass murder suspects.

The Big Bad Wolf has to be killed. Society demands it.

Make a bogeyman or use the devil society has made and one can justify almost anything.

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