This month was originally called Sextilis the sixth month of then the Roman Calendar. Eventually, the Imperator and First Citizen Augustus lent his name to the month. Some say this was chosen because it was the month where he had his victories, notably the defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra – the conquest of Egypt. In the Philippines, it has also been significant month because if the tragedies that happened and are remembered in 2012.
No doubt the other months of the year would have its shares of important dated but as August 2012 enters the last quarter of its allotted time let us remember five important things that occurred.
First, the yearly visit of the rains, monsoons, typhoons and floods. This happens nearly each year. A street, a town, a city or a province fall victim to a combination of natural phenomenon and human negligence – in the form of mismanagement and stubbornness both by the government and us the public as a whole. The time has gone beyond the time when we should have learned our lesson. We live in the land of floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions abd other natural forces and we have to learn to adapt with such forces as our ancestors have. Perhaps the key is looking back. Perhaps one of our salvation lie in such things as the design of the early Filipino House – the Bahay Kubo and the Bahay na Bato.
Second, Ramadan. A timely reminder that we are a Nation of different people abd different creed. And most if the times we have lived harmoniously or at least in Peace. Perhaps and hopefully soon our Nation can find a way to end this conflict: this flashpoint : this war between Filipinos.
Third, the 1000th day anniversary of the Ampatuan Massacre. The single most largest massacre of people -a number of them journalists and women – in recent years. The violence of this act is surpassed only by the impunity it was done. And the crime itself is being perpetrated on a day per day basis as the trial is being dragged in the Halls of Philippine Justice. They say justice delay is Justice denied but in this case Lady Justice seems to be condemned to a slow death, with dilatory tactics and reliance upon on our collective apathy, to let the monsters of these crimes go scot free.
Fourth, Jesse Robredo, the Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary died along with two others as their plane crashed over the sea. I do not know Robredo but I know of him. His reputation as a man of honor and sound character is impeccable – spotless. It is somewhat ironic to learn later that one of the most cleanest official of the Aquino government never got approved by the Commission on Appointments. Odd, but I guess that is the way of politics and power. In the past few days the man has received accolades from nearly all sectors of Philippine Society and calls have been made to emulate his actions and habits of governance, our own Cincinatus. It would seem to me though all this calls and accolades would be best used to force the Government -Executive, Legislative and Judiciary – to pass a Robredo Law that will allow the People to guard its government from corruption. Probably, let the Robredo Law or the Freedom of Information Act be passed.
Fifth, August 21 was the day Senator Benigno Aquino was assassinated. His death left an indelible imprint to all Filipinos. Do you still remember what you were doing on the day Ninoy was shot? I do. I was in Laguna with friends doing research work in Paete, Laguna. We were on our way home when the radio broke the news. It was a silent trip all the way back to Manila.
So many things have happened since then. The rise and fall of Givernments. The non-ending visits of natural and man-made disasters. Conflicts and near -resolutions of our conflicts. Disaster, death and change. We do not forget them, at least hopefully most of us, we remember them.
Let us hope in the coming days, years , decades and centuries we not only remember but learn from them.
Sextilis : August 2012
This month was originally called Sextilis the sixth month of then the Roman Calendar. Eventually, the Imperator and First Citizen Augustus lent his name to the month. Some say this was chosen because it was the month where he had his victories, notably the defeat of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra – the conquest of Egypt. In the Philippines, it has also been significant month because if the tragedies that happened and are remembered in 2012.
No doubt the other months of the year would have its shares of important dated but as August 2012 enters the last quarter of its allotted time let us remember five important things that occurred.
First, the yearly visit of the rains, monsoons, typhoons and floods. This happens nearly each year. A street, a town, a city or a province fall victim to a combination of natural phenomenon and human negligence – in the form of mismanagement and stubbornness both by the government and us the public as a whole. The time has gone beyond the time when we should have learned our lesson. We live in the land of floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions abd other natural forces and we have to learn to adapt with such forces as our ancestors have. Perhaps the key is looking back. Perhaps one of our salvation lie in such things as the design of the early Filipino House – the Bahay Kubo and the Bahay na Bato.
Second, Ramadan. A timely reminder that we are a Nation of different people abd different creed. And most if the times we have lived harmoniously or at least in Peace. Perhaps and hopefully soon our Nation can find a way to end this conflict: this flashpoint : this war between Filipinos.
Third, the 1000th day anniversary of the Ampatuan Massacre. The single most largest massacre of people -a number of them journalists and women – in recent years. The violence of this act is surpassed only by the impunity it was done. And the crime itself is being perpetrated on a day per day basis as the trial is being dragged in the Halls of Philippine Justice. They say justice delay is Justice denied but in this case Lady Justice seems to be condemned to a slow death, with dilatory tactics and reliance upon on our collective apathy, to let the monsters of these crimes go scot free.
Fourth, Jesse Robredo, the Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary died along with two others as their plane crashed over the sea. I do not know Robredo but I know of him. His reputation as a man of honor and sound character is impeccable – spotless. It is somewhat ironic to learn later that one of the most cleanest official of the Aquino government never got approved by the Commission on Appointments. Odd, but I guess that is the way of politics and power. In the past few days the man has received accolades from nearly all sectors of Philippine Society and calls have been made to emulate his actions and habits of governance, our own Cincinatus. It would seem to me though all this calls and accolades would be best used to force the Government -Executive, Legislative and Judiciary – to pass a Robredo Law that will allow the People to guard its government from corruption. Probably, let the Robredo Law or the Freedom of Information Act be passed.
Fifth, August 21 was the day Senator Benigno Aquino was assassinated. His death left an indelible imprint to all Filipinos. Do you still remember what you were doing on the day Ninoy was shot? I do. I was in Laguna with friends doing research work in Paete, Laguna. We were on our way home when the radio broke the news. It was a silent trip all the way back to Manila.
So many things have happened since then. The rise and fall of Givernments. The non-ending visits of natural and man-made disasters. Conflicts and near -resolutions of our conflicts. Disaster, death and change. We do not forget them, at least hopefully most of us, we remember them.
Let us hope in the coming days, years , decades and centuries we not only remember but learn from them.